
Pohutukawa VI

Pohutukawa VI

Pohutukawa VI is modelled on its successful predecessors, Pohutukawa I, Pohutukawa II and Pohutukawa V. Like Pohutukawa I, II and V, Pohutukawa VI will be managed by Direct Capital and will invest pro-rata alongside Direct Capital’s latest institutional fund, Direct Capital VI.

The new fund will continue to focus on mid-market private equity growth investments in New Zealand and Australia.

The Offer was made to Wholesale Investors/Eligible Investors and successfully closed on 20 March 2020 with $70 million raised. 

Pohutukawa VI Board

Board of Directors of Pohutukawa Private Equity VI Limited

The Board is responsible for overseeing the administration and treasury functions of Pohutukawa VI.  This role involves all communication with shareholders in Pohutukawa VI and managing the flow of funds between the Investment Manager and the shareholders of Pohutukawa VI.   The Board of Pohutukawa Private Equity VI Limited comprises two directors: Neil Craig and Ken Phillip.

Neil Craig is the founding principal and a director of Craigs Investment Partners, and Ken Phillip was previously the Chief Financial Officer of Craigs Investment Partners. Both Neil and Ken have many years of experience in administrative roles associated with the Pohutukawa group of companies.  

Supporting the directors in administration of Pohutukawa VI will be Peter Lalor of Craigs Investment Partners , the executive officer for the Fund. 

Neil Craig (Non Executive Chairman)

Neil is the founding principal and a director of Craigs Investment Partners, a New Zealand Exchange Participant Firm, a company he has been instrumental in building from a small regionally based sharebroking business in Whakatane to its current position as a leading New Zealand investment advisory firm. Craigs Investment Partners has over 650 staff across 19 branches throughout New Zealand. Neil has a broad experience in private equity transactions, stock exchange listings, capital raisings and corporate activity for a wide range of companies.  In a personal capacity Neil has been an active private equity investor for many years. 

 Neil is currently a director of Pohutukawa Private Equity V Limited, Pohutukawa Private Equity VI Limited, Pohutukawa Private Equity II Limited, Kowhai PE Management Limited, Karaka Management Limited,  Matai Management Limited, Pilot Bay Funds Management Limited, and a director of a number of privately held companies.  

Ken Phillip     (Non Executive Director)

Ken was previously the Chief Financial Officer for Craigs Investment Partners. Ken is a director of Pohutukawa Private Equity V Limited, Pohutukawa Private Equity VI Limited, Pohutukawa II Management Limited, Kowhai PE Management Limited, Karaka Management Limited, Matai Management Limited, Pilot Bay Funds Management Limited and the Craigs Investment Partners subsidiary companies Custodial Services Limited and Craigs Investment Partners Superannuation Management Limited.

Board of Directors of Investment Companies

The board of directors of each Investment Company will be appointed by Direct Capital VI Investment Partners LP as the holder of the ordinary shares in each Investment Company. Direct Capital VI Investment Partners LP will utilise its director appointment and voting rights in respect of Investment Companies as may be instructed from time to time by the Investment Manager.